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Discover Vanda modules and functions in both Vanda Clinic and Vanda Manager here!

Vanda Manager Modules
Tenant Information
User Role
User Management

Administrators can set clinic information and Vanda Clinic settings.

Administrators can edit settings of all branches under the clinic.

Administrators can create new and edit existing user roles.

Administrators can create new and edit existing users.

Service Item

Administrators can create new and edit existing medications that will be used in Vanda Clinic.

Administrators can create new and edit existing service items that will be used in Vanda Clinic.

Administrators can group items together and display during invoicing.

Administrators can set clinic information and Vanda Clinic settings.

Audit Trail
Whitelisted Drug

Administrators can verify and validate financial, software, and business transactions and detect unauthorized access, errors, and fraud. 

Administrators can create new and edit existing master data in Vanda Manager.

Our whitelisted drug module allows for HSG-enrolled clinics to view the list of medications given by MOH and their details.

Patient Medical Records
Invoice and Billing
Records Searching

Clinic users can manage the patient’s medical records such as diagnosis, prescriptions and more.

Clinic users manage invoices and payment for the patient’s visit.

Clinic users can search for various records in the system.

Clinic users can conduct vision tests and examination for the patient.

General & Queue Features

Clinic users can perform basic account features and queue management features such as patient registration, and more.

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  • Dedicated staff support for enquiries


The best Clinic Management System belongs to YOU!
